Reduce kidney

6. Patient-based Dose 6.4) Disease state 6.4.1) Disease State Reduce Dose Normal 3

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The adult dose of a drug is 500 mg every 6 hours. For an elderly patient with impaired renal function, the dose is reduced to 400 mg every 6 hours. Calculate the reduction in the daily dose, in milligrams.

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lb equals 400.00mg kg

Adult total dose = `(500 mg) / (6 hr) × (24 hr) / (1 day)` = 2000 `(mg) / (day)`

Reduced total dose = `(400 mg) / (6 hr) × (24 hr) / (1 day)` = 1600 `(mg) / (day)`

Amount reduced = 2000 mg – 1600 mg = 400 mg
